Tall bearded

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Bright yellow standards and golden yellow falls sanded with white near the orange-yellow beards. It does not burn under hot sun. Good grower. (Smith 1992)


    The very large, well-bodied flowers are slightly ruffled. Pure golden yellow with beards of the same colour on a small white area. 6 to 7 buds and often several stems per clump. Great garden value.


      Its parents "Mystérieux" and "Funambule" have passed on their great depth of colour tones. Thus the strong plain black-violet falls offer an excellent contrast to the bluish-white standards. Bronze-orange beards. Very good body, tight ruffles and strong stems.
      Flowering:Mid-season to late


        Another direct descendant of 'Ciel Gris sur Poilly'. Cream white standards turning yellow at the base, cream toned falls with abundant and marked deep purple striations. The beards are yellow turning to orange and are extended with short wide spurs. 7 to 8 buds on average. A novelty!


          Purple lavender standards with a diffused caramel border, deep purple falls with long and bright tangerine beards which are extended by a short white midline. Flowers of moderate size in balance with the foliage. (Cayeux Sowing 11 77 B).


            An amoena with white standards very slightly touched with blue and deep blue-violet, nearly horizontal falls, with much paler 4 mm edges. Large flowers, 18 cm wide and gladioli-style branching.

              PLEINS PHARES

              With its late flowering, this variety brings brightness and light into the garden. Its semi-horizontal standards and falls of bright yellow have small ruffles and the slightly singed orange beards tail off into a small spur. The blooms are of average size on tall and well branched stems (Average of 10 buds).
              Flowering:Very late

                POILLY S'EVEILLE

                Soft rosy apricot, slightly paler on the almost horizontal falls. Superb shape, pretty edged with ruffles (though not excessively). An extra attraction: a pale rosy apricot spur extends the tangerine beards. Late flowering.

                  POIVRE ROUGE

                  Belle Moisson's sibling with standards of pale yellow that deepens near the edges. The falls are yellow with red-brown striations near the golden beards and also peppered with red speckles towards the bottom. Attractive, beautifully branched with a long flowering period.


                    Striking both for its colouring and its height: orchid pink standards infused with mauve, and almost horizontal fuchsia falls with crimped edges. The strong burnt orange beards can't be missed either.
                    Flowering:Mid-season to late

                      POT D OR

                      Pure sunshine yellow, with a discreet paler area under the bright yellow beard. Semi-horizontal falls, very wavy flowers with finely crimped edges. Particularly useful in that it flowers late.


                        Chamois-coloured standards infused with plum red at the centre. Velvety, very dark burgundy red falls, a little paler at the edges and Rust red beards. Quite ruffled flowers with slightly crimped edges. Interesting contrast.

                          PRINCE EUGENE

                          A brilliant son of "Aurélie": With its white standards and wide, bright raspberry border on the falls, it is one of our favourites for 2015. With 4 stems and an average of 9 buds, this variety is a «must»!

                            PRINCESSE C. DE MONACO

                            This is the result of the search for perfection in blue-red bearded irises. It is a pure light blue with orange-red beards. In addition to the purity of the colour, its growth habits, shape of the flowers and count of buds are excellent. Prizewinner at the American Convention and the Florence International Iris Competition in 1998.

                              PROFOND MYSTERE

                              This is the very own sibling of our iris 'Pesselières', introduced in 2016, and like its brother, hued in mystery. It boasts standards of a very light blue and velvety horizontal dark-violet falls with a fine light crimson border (2 mm). Thick copper orange beards. The stems are well balanced with low ramification.

                                PROFOND SOUPIR

                                Imposing bright and deep violet perfectly plain. Thick yellow-orange beards ending pale lavender. Full and round flowers, lightly ruffled and firm bodied. Son of ‘Paul Black’ and ‘Rippling River’.


                                  Cheerful and excellent plicata with garnet red standards and a yellow background on falls widely edged with garnet red. Prolific grower and classical shape. Awarded "Iris of the Millenium" at Franciris 2000.


                                    Blue-white standards with a narrow lime-yellow border. Clear red-brown falls turning to copper-yellow below the burnt orange beards, and narrow pale lavender rim. Multi-coloured like the north west Argentina mountains. Quite short stems and 7 to 8 buds on average.
                                    Flowering:Mid-season to late

                                      PURE AS GOLD

                                      Strongly ruffled smooth deep gold, the beards are even deeper. A dazzling variety that can reflower in autumn.


                                        Very big flowers in delicious apricot tones, wide falls slightly paler below the tangerine beards and ruffled standards, tinted peach pink at their base. Excellent colour and good garden value.
                                        Flowering:Mid-season to late