Tall bearded

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Magnificent very pure sky blue, with small pale yellow beards towards the centre becoming white at their ends. Flowers close to the stem but well spaced and moderately ruffled. Very upright stalks and long-lasting flowers (9 – 10 buds on average). A good grower.


    A very attractive solid light to medium blue with bright tangerine beards. This iris is a descendant of "Princesse Caroline de Monaco" and "Eau Vive", both blue with tangerine coloured beards. Medium sized flowers with a lovely shape. We feel that the pureness of tone compensates for the relatively small number of buds (6-7 on average).


      Tall stems, large ruffled flowers, extremely vigorous: it is a new deep violet of noble stature. Beards of the same colour. Each rhizome can produce three or more fans and each stem carries 7 to 8 flowers.

        BLUE SUEDE SHoeS


        Recent deep navy blue with shining yellow beards. It produces many ruffled flowers, each stem consistently yielding 8 to 10 buds. In addition, it can bloom again later in the summer or beginning of autumn.


          What's new in "Cape Perpetua"? Not its colour: light and plain blue with white beards, but its shape: both standards and falls show lacy, frilly edges and this is unique in its category. A really charming blue iris!

            CHOU BLEU

            A large, very pure medium blue with very discreet yellow beards. Strongly borne flowers with quite round, well waved falls. The foliage is vigorous and the upright stems carry an average of 8 to 10 buds. Brother of the Cayeux variety "Heure Bleue".

              DÉFERLANTE BLEUE

              We named this new blue DÉFERLANTE BLEUE because each stem carries regularly 12 to 14 flowers. Standards are mid to azure blue and falls clear blue. Gold beards ending pale blue. Classic form but exceptional flowering power.

                DEVIL'S LAKE

                This dark navy blue produces enormous flowers: 18 cm x 11 cm on strong tall stems with four branches and 6 to 8 buds. Plain colour, even the beards are dark navy blue.

                  FRIENDLY SEAS

                  The sturdy moderately ruffled flowers are a charming, totally plain, light blue-violet. Numerous flowers produced on perfect stems (up to 10 buds on each). Light blue-violet beards tipped yellow. Exceptionally vigorous, it rapidly forms big clumps.

                    HEURE BLEUE

                    We crossed "Ouragan" and "Yaquina Blue" to obtain this wonderful pure blue, between sky blue and mid-blue. It has huge, strudy round flowers moderately waved. Named best blue variety at the 2005 International Iris Competition at Florence.

                      HONKY TONK BLUES

                      Deep wisteria blue mottled or streaked with blended grey-white on the falls. Deep wisteria blue beards. Perfect shape and stems (with 10 buds). Excellent.

                        INTO THE BLUE

                        This descendant of "Above the Clouds" and "Abiqua Falls"is of a wonderful pure sky blue with gracefully ruffled edges. Discreet pale yellowish white beards. The first of the light blues to flower. Also it remains in bloom for a long time due to an average

                          JAVA BLEUE

                          Dark beauty and a son worthy of our excellent creation "Mer du Sud", "Java Bleue" is of an even more intense and perfectly unified blue - including the beards. The medium-sized flowers are pleasantly but not excessively waved. Numerous buds per stalk, at least 10, ensure a long flowering period. Quite compact foliage.

                            LOUISE AUREAU

                            Pleasant light blue , slightly lavender, with golden yellow beards. Thin and well-branched stalks.

                              MER DU SUD

                              A child of the excellent "Dusky Challenger". It is a rich navy blue (almost exempt from violet). Vigorous grower and often three flowers blooming at the same time. Medium blue beards. RHS Award of Garden Merit in 2000.

                                PACIFIC FIRE

                                The blues with red beards are not numerous that is why we do like this one common from the good PAUL BLACK. Standards and falls mid blue-violet lighten by the bright red-orange beards. Moderately ruffled and great stalks.

                                  PRINCESSE C. DE MONACO

                                  This is the result of the search for perfection in blue-red bearded irises. It is a pure light blue with orange-red beards. In addition to the purity of the colour, its growth habits, shape of the flowers and count of buds are excellent. Prizewinner at the American Convention and the Florence International Iris Competition in 1998.

                                    SAPPHIRE HILLS

                                    Though not new at all, ‘Sapphire Hills’ is still for us one of the best median and true blue. Mid-blue with discreet white-lemon beards. Well-branched and good vigour.



                                      Light to medium wisteria blue standards, bluish-white falls with crisp red beards. Looks effective in clumps. Flowers of medium size, elegant, good branching and 9 buds on average. From a crossing of ‘Villa Erba’ x ‘Fanchette’. (Cayeux seedling 13,228 A).

                                        VICTORIA FALLS

                                        Great clear to mid blue self with just a small white area under the white beards. Though not new, much interesting with 10 to 14 flowers per stem and the Dykes Medal in 1984.