Tall bearded

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Gorgeous is this plain beetroot red with deep bronze beards relatively discreet. Large and ruffled flowers (character inherited from its parent ‘Diabolique’). Tall stems, very elegant and 10 buds in average.


    Pale mauve wine-coloured standards and rosé-wine falls, lighter than the standards and almost horizontal. Orange-red beards. Firm-bodied flowers slightly waved and free-flowering (8 to 9 buds per stem). Superb branching. Unusual colour between rosé and Bordeaux, very attractive!


      Mouth watering colour: racy red-claret with ruffled and flared falls. Excellent flowering habit: most stalks have four branches and average 10-11 nicely spaced buds. Vigorous growth and also disease resistant.
      Flowering:Mid-season to late


        This delight spreads its light brown-red standards above nearly horizontal garnet-red falls which boast exquisite lacy crimped edges. The glowing yellow beards seem lengthened by a 3 to 4 cm-long stripe running along the middle. These wonderful flowers are rather round and their stalks well branched.

          MASAÏ MARA

          The red iris is the dream of all iris hybridisers … it has never been realised but the cross between ‘Hermès’ and ‘Dame de coeur’ gave us this sympathetic red coppered with beards between tangerine and red. Average sized flowers, well-branched stems and good growth.
          Flowering:Mid-season to late



            Deep and bright rosy mulberry. This nice tint is slightly clearer near the thick and intense red beards, which light up the whole flower. Harmoniously and softly ruffled.

            Flowering:Mid-season to late

              UP IN FLAMES

              A really warm and elegant two-toned red: pinkish red standards; deep crimson falls with a velvety feel and a very fine pink seam. Beards are coral-red. Good branching with an average of 7 buds/stalk.