Tall bearded

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Année de création



Though it is not one of the most original iris, it is certainly one of the most refined. It has white standards and almost horizontal falls, white with a neat and thin deep blue edge. Orange beards, ending clear yellow. Gracefully ruffled.


    This son of our famous iris "Noctambule" has inherited its height and its elegance. Slightly open, pure white standards and nearly horizontal, rich mid to navy blue falls. Egg-yolk yellow beards on a white background bring luminosity to the heart of the flower. Sharp, pure colour contrast.


      The truly brilliant offspring of 'Terre de Savane' with golden yellow standards and undulated equally golden yellow falls which turn to caramel along the edges. The beards are orange. Perfect stems with an average of 10 buds.


        This stunning plicata, child of 'Honky Tonk Blues', has immense flowers (18 cm) with a pure white background and a precise purple-blue border. Beards are blue. It flowers generously and grows vigorously.


          Standards with a white background veined and peppered with raspberry-pink. Falls, equally white, boast a thin, intense raspberry-red border in the Plicata style. Beards are bronze yellow. Strong tendency to rebloom in our climates.
          Flowering:Early to late


            Lilac-white standards on opening, then becoming pure white. Pure white falls with a clear bright lilac-pink border (7 mm) and mandarin beards. The stems, sometimes double at the bases, bear up to 12 buds. A fresh crisp effect.

              RE LA BLANCHE

              Named after the beautiful Ile de Ré off the Brittany coast, it displays a combination of delicate seaside colours: the bluish-white on opening becomes pure white in full bloom. Pale yellow beards tipped with white. Numerous remarkably shaped ruffled flowers and a strong multiplier.

                REFLETS SAFRAN

                Totally different from its sister Terre de Feu but very warm too. Dazzling golden yellow standards on yellow bronzed falls. The colour of the falls is deeper around the bronze beards. Sturdy flowers and good grower.

                  REGARD MELANCOLIQUE

                  Amoena from ‘Ciel gris sur Poilly’, a touch of modernity with white petals and light greyish yellow striped sepals with a fine white border. 
                  White barbs with a bronze tip. Softly flowering.
                  Flowering:Early to mid-season

                    REGARD SOMBRE

                    Horizontal coppery amber standards of velvet, somewhere between solid crimson-violet and aubergine tones. The flowers stand firmly, boasting their very ruffled edges and burned orange toned beards.


                      Amethyst standards turning beige at their borders. Falls between cream and fading to apricot near the bright tangerine beards. Branches with 8 buds on average. Brother from the same sowing as Plaisantin ’. (Cayeux 11 77 A seedling).


                        Pure upright white standards and white falls with distinctive 10 mm columbine blue band . Very prominent golden yellow beards. Falls lightly flared. 3 to 4 well-spaced branches carry 7 to 9 buds. Excellent son of the Dykes medallist ‘Gypsy Lord’ . (Keppel 2010)


                          Very wavy, an excellent shape, one of the last tall iris to flower. Between bold rosy lavender and perfectly plain mid-mauve – in all, a well-structured variety which is little known. A real ornamental addition to any garden.

                            RING AROUND ROSIE

                            Yet another new colour pattern! White standards edged with a fine golden strip, white falls amply spotted with purple, especially near the orange beards. An egg-yolk yellow border (6 mm wide) completes this superb canvas. Tall stems and late-flowering.
                            Flowering:Mid-season to late

                              RIO DE ORO

                              Gold standards. Falls the same but streaked and peppered with brown. Yellow beards. Not a common variety but should be attractive for collectors.

                                ROARING TWENTIES

                                Beige standards flushed heliotrope at base, imperial purple falls with light velvet texture and aster violet edge (6 mm). Rusty orange beards. Incredible flowers : imposing, big, wide and so heavily ruffled.
                                Flowering:Mid-season to late

                                  ROBE DE VELOURS

                                  Medium to deep purple-mauve standards, aubergine, velvety-textured falls with a light purple border (5 to 7 mm wide). Bronze-yellow beards. An average of 7 buds per stem. (Cayeux seedling 10 329 C).
                                  Flowering:Mid-season to late

                                    ROBE DU SOIR

                                    So chic! Pink standards with hints of lilac, falls with creamy-pink centres and very wide violet-purple borders. The long beards stand out in their coral hues. An unusual colour combination.
                                    Flowering:Mid-season to late


                                      Opulent flowers, full of charm. Pink-white standards, white falls with a beautiful sky blue border and long red beards that light up this pastel ensemble. The edges of the flowers are gracefully waved. Good branching and strong foliage. Creates an impression of calm beauty.

                                        ROSALIE FIGGE

                                        Violet-purple, a bit darker on falls. White spray around the white beard tipped violet. It is a vigorous grower and it can rebloom at the beginning of autumn.