Tall bearded

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Mysterious and beautiful! Inky dark purple-blue standards paling towards the edges, inky dark purple-blue falls with light violet margins and long and bright golden yellow beards. Average size flowers of waxen substance and nice ruffled shape.


    We named this new blue DÉFERLANTE BLEUE because each stem carries regularly 12 to 14 flowers. Standards are mid to azure blue and falls clear blue. Gold beards ending pale blue. Classic form but exceptional flowering power.
    Flowering:Early to mid-season


      Son of 'French Cancan' and 'Fanfreluche' with light beige standards and almost horizontal falls of soft lavender. Tangerine toned beards. Stems are rather compact. A most pleasing combination of pastel tones. (Cayeux seedling 05 298 A)


        White standards deeply tinted acid yellow from their base to the two thirds of their height. Almost horizontal falls, light ocher yellow with a creamy white rim. Orange yellow beards quite discreet. The shape of the flowers is stunning as the whirling dervish dance. Branching is perfect and offers 8 to 10 buds.

          DEVIL'S LAKE

          This dark navy blue produces enormous flowers: 18 cm x 11 cm on strong tall stems with four branches and 6 to 8 buds. Plain colour, even the beards are dark navy blue.


            Quite simply: an excellent iris! Creamy white standards and wide, pure white falls with graceful regular waves. The lemon beards, adorned with two bright lemon marks illuminate the centre of the flower. Very free-flowering and really vigorous.


              Exquisitely ruffled flowers of intense garnet-purple colour. The tall thick stems display 8 to 9 flowers each, that can endure both the sun's heat and spring showers. This perfect iris won the first place, in 2000, at the prestigious Iris Competition of Florence.

                DIGNE FILS


                Standards are white with a very slight bluish hue . Almost horizontal, slate-grey falls lightened up by eggyolk yellow beards over a creamish area striated with olive brown lines. Strong stems with an average of 7 buds.


                  DOMINIQUE C.

                  Radiant and sparkling, as was Dominique herself... the colours of this iris have an unforgettable "joie de vivre": pure bright yellow standards, white falls with a wide yellow border creeping towards the centre. Golden yellow beards. Quite rounded flowers with crimped edges like its parent "Just Before Dawn". Quite a short stem but well-branched.

                    DOMINO NOIR

                    Years of research were needed to obtain this rare jewel which offers a striking and clear contrast: practically pure white standards with an almost imperceptible violet border and jet-black falls with golden yellow beards. These wide flowers are ruffled on the edges and stand on a well branched stalk. Previewed at the 2012 edition of the Chelsea Flower Show, they were a huge success with the new varieties enthusiasts.

                      DOUCE HOULE

                      A beautiful amoena from ‘Rémy Belleau’ and ‘Bashful Princess’. Pure white petals, very pale lavender sepals with a red beard. Light fragrance.
                      Moderate undulations with grace. Very fresh colours.
                      Flowering:Mid-season to late

                        DREAM TEAM

                        An interesting and attractive combination of two different tones of yellow, each with a touch of green. Standards are a light greenish yellow and falls are buttercup yellow with numerous tight ruffles. Orange beards.

                          DUSKY CHALLENGER

                          A huge flower of impeccable shape, ruffled but not too much. The colour is a rich purple-violet shimmering like silk, even the beards are dark purple-blue.

                            DUTCH CHOCOLATE

                            Brown-red or pure coppered chocolatee with bronze beards. Bright tint and firm-bodied.
                            Flowering:Early to mid-season


                              Pale mauve wine-coloured standards and rosé-wine falls, lighter than the standards and almost horizontal. Orange-red beards. Firm-bodied flowers slightly waved and free-flowering (8 to 9 buds per stem). Superb branching. Unusual colour between rosé and Bordeaux, very attractive!
                              Flowering:Mid-season to late


                                Sturdy and elegant flowers with clear yellow standards and creamy white falls cleanly edged with gold. Robust stems easily support a profusion of waved flowers.

                                  ECHARPE BLEUE

                                  Unusual pattern reminiscent of ‘RUBAN BLEU’: white petals with just a hint of blue shading. Large white sepals with a clear navy blue border. Red barbs. A lovely, soft flowery fragrance.
                                  Flowering:Mid-season to late


                                    One of the last to flower and very original! Pale yellow standards and almost horizontal, lavender-white falls. Golden yellow beards extended by a long, white spur tipped with lavender. Very tall, well branched stalks.

                                      ECLIPSE DE MAI

                                      It is a somptuous two-tone violet with dark violet standards and very wide, gracefully waved falls between black and violet. Black-violet beards bring an extra depth to the ensemble. 8 buds per stem and vigorous, healthy foliage.

                                        EDGE OF HEAVEN

                                        White standards with a light gold border, white falls with a wide purple rim turning to deep red wine on edges. Yellow-Orange beards. Very good stalks, 8 to 9 buds.