Tall bearded

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Unusual pattern reminiscent of ‘RUBAN BLEU’: white petals with just a hint of blue shading. Large white sepals with a clear navy blue border. Red barbs. A lovely, soft flowery fragrance.


    One of the last to flower and very original! Pale yellow standards and almost horizontal, lavender-white falls. Golden yellow beards extended by a long, white spur tipped with lavender. Very tall, well branched stalks.


      White standards with a light gold border, white falls with a wide purple rim turning to deep red wine on edges. Yellow-Orange beards. Very good stalks, 8 to 9 buds.


        White standards, toned with yellow at the base. White falls shouldered in golden yellow up to the middle. Equally golden yellow beards. Stalks are exemplary with perfectly tiered branches carrying an average of 9-10 buds. Simply splendid! (Cayeux seedling 10 308 B)


          Golden copper standards infused and washed with smoky purple, white falls infused clear purple-lavender especially in centre , copper-yellow border. Orange beards ending blue. Coming from DAKOTA SMOKE, unusual combination, strong growth.

            FOLIE DOUCE

            A wonderful bubbling exuberance is evoked by the wavy shape of the flowers. Rosy cream standards and cream falls edged with amethyst. The wide, tufted, coral red beards, are really astonishing. Low branching stems with an average of 8 buds. In short: very original.

              FROSTED VELVET

              Belongs to the category of "miniature tall beardeds", a sort of bonsai but quite beautiful. Pure white standards and purple to black falls with a fine white border. The yellow beards are surround by purplish black striations. Most interesting!

                FULL DISCLOSURE

                For those who like flat irises, Full Disclosure is a true flat, having beards on all petals rather than weak standards . Style arms light mauve, dark lilac petals and orange beards. Usually about 7 buds per stalk . (Johnson 2013)


                  Pure white standards, white falls with a wide deep blue-violet border and discreet clear yellow beards. It has inherited its horizontal falls from its father "Deltaplane". Strongly ruffled. A real novelty, unique in our collection.

                    GALON ROSE

                    Resembling its father, 'Irisades', but with standards of a rather soft yellow with a slightly amber border, and boasting white falls with large purple-pink edges. Beards are of an orange yellow tone on a bed of yellow to brighten up the heart. abundant flowering: 1à tp 12 flowers per stem.


                      Creamy white standards infused with yellow, falls with a soft yellow centre and wide amethyst border diffusing towards the centre. Orange yellow beards. Large, wavy flowers, very well branched stems and 8 to 9 buds on average. (Cayeux 10 440A seedling).


                        Pale pink standards discretely edged with pale lavender, mid-violet falls with a central creamy-white line. Tangerine beards surrounded with white. "Garnement" is the brother of "Irisades" which was introduced in 2008 and has a similar very modern shape with firm, almost horizontal falls. Sturdy stems carrying an average of 8 buds.

                          GRAPE SNAKEZ

                          A multi-coloured tableau: light tan standards streaked with silver-white and infused with purple, uniform purple falls covered in white veins. Bronze yellow beards. Not for those who prefer the classic varieties!

                            GYPSY LORD

                            Almost red, white and blue... Bluish white standards, broad and round deep blue-violet falls marbled with white, and a final touch: red beards on a white central spot. Tall stems with perfectly shaped flowers. The same quest of a « patriotic » iris on the other side of the Atlantic!
                            Flowering:Mid-season to late



                              One of our favourites among our 25 new varieties for 2021! Absolutely pure white standards and falls with a pure white background also bordered in a regular way in deep indigo blue over nearly 2 cm in width. Bright yellow beards. Sculptural in shape and as majestic as the eponymous temple. (Cayeux Seedling 12 238 C).

                                HELLO DARLING

                                Creamy white standards, chalky white fall centres lined grape and shading to light butterscotch and narrowly banded white. Tangerine beards, ends tipped white. Strong show stalks with up to 9 buds and nice ruffled form . (Johnson 2014)

                                  IL EST FORMIDABLE

                                  Undoubtedly our favourite among our 2024 introductions ! Pure white standards with some pale yellow-green at base. Ruffled standards, almost horizontal, with a clear lavender-white ground washed and striped with purple. Each flower on a same stalk is different depending on the purple rays. Beards clear orange on a yellow-green area lighten these magnificent flowers. Well-branched stems, 7 buds in average. Sibling to ‘As de Carreau’ (Cayeux 2024).

                                    IMPRESSIONS DE JOUY

                                    Name after the exquisite French Jouy tapestries, famous for their delicate stitching. Pure white standards flushed with lavender at their edges, very pretty purple falls sporting a wide white centre around the bright red beard. Exemplary stalks with 4 branches and an average of 9 buds. Multiplies up fast.


                                      Something new on Planet Iris! White standards with a hint of cream tone. Falls lie semi-horizontally with a white heart infused with olive-yellows framing the beard, then turning to a sustained amethyst tone on the edges. Bright egg-yellow beard with a white tip. Stems with well-balanced buds. (6 to 8 on average).


                                        White standards, pencil thin gold halo ; falls cream overlaid with red-violet lines radiating out to wide rimmed yellow-white edge. Tangerine beards. Awarded by the AIS in 2014, 2016 and 2019 !