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Année de création



A large, very pure medium blue with very discreet yellow beards. Strongly borne flowers with quite round, well waved falls. The foliage is vigorous and the upright stems carry an average of 8 to 10 buds. Brother of the Cayeux variety "Heure Bleue".


    Brother to 'Attirance' and just as enticing with its lovely plain purplish lavender tone. The shape is exquisite with strongly ruffled falls. Beards are tipped in pale lavender. Average 9-10 buds per stem.


      A slightly strange but attractive colour : medium purple standards, burgundy toward the heart. Almost horizontal falls coloured somewhere between magenta pink, purple or violet. Purple beards. An abundance of flowers: 3 to 4 branches per stalk carrying each between 8 and 13 buds!


        Interesting and very unusual colour contrast between the pale blue standards and the bluish-black velvety falls. Black-purple beards tipped yellow. This very recent iris (introduced in the USA in 2004) has strong stalks and propagates very quickly.


          Mysterious and beautiful! Inky dark purple-blue standards paling towards the edges, inky dark purple-blue falls with light violet margins and long and bright golden yellow beards. Average size flowers of waxen substance and nice ruffled shape.

            DEVIL'S LAKE

            This dark navy blue produces enormous flowers: 18 cm x 11 cm on strong tall stems with four branches and 6 to 8 buds. Plain colour, even the beards are dark navy blue.


              Exquisitely ruffled flowers of intense garnet-purple colour. The tall thick stems display 8 to 9 flowers each, that can endure both the sun's heat and spring showers. This perfect iris won the first place, in 2000, at the prestigious Iris Competition of Florence.

                DUSKY CHALLENGER

                A huge flower of impeccable shape, ruffled but not too much. The colour is a rich purple-violet shimmering like silk, even the beards are dark purple-blue.

                  ECHARPE BLEUE

                  Unusual pattern reminiscent of ‘RUBAN BLEU’: white petals with just a hint of blue shading. Large white sepals with a clear navy blue border. Red barbs. A lovely, soft flowery fragrance.

                    ECLIPSE DE MAI

                    It is a somptuous two-tone violet with dark violet standards and very wide, gracefully waved falls between black and violet. Black-violet beards bring an extra depth to the ensemble. 8 buds per stem and vigorous, healthy foliage.

                      EN PROFONDEUR


                      Very dark purple standards and slightly purple black falls, velvety and close to the horizontal. Wavy flowers but not excessively so. Black beards blend in well. Exemplary branching stems, which is not so common in this category. 8 buds. (Cayeux seedling 10 41 A).

                        EN PROVENCE


                        A two-tone iris of subtle shades: Greyish white standards with lavender hues, amber-toned styles and medium lavender falls. Beards are of a burnt orange. Exquisite shape. 7 to 8 buds/stalk on average.


                          Yes, "Fabuleux" is fabulous. It has ruffled pure white standards and white falls with a pure, bright blue border (2 cm wide), slightly darker on edges. It has a wonderful shape with wide strongly ruffled falls, yellow beards and strong stems. In fact, a taller and darker "Alizés".


                            Bred from the marvellous "Paul Black", Dykes Medal winner in 2010, here is a charming unified rosy violet with red beards. The medium-sized flowers are perfectly balanced with the foliage and very numerous (average of 12). Well-branched stems, delicious colour.



                              The entire flower is of a rich, bright and plain purple. In other words, it's a historic version of "Loyalist". Bronze-yellow beards.