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Année de création



Bluish-white standards with a touch of grey, velvety violet-purple falls with a lavender border. Quite fine smoky, orange beards. Beautiful low branched stems. Similar to ‘Profond Mystère’, but superior, in our opinion. (Cayeux sowing 11 193 A).
Flowering:Mid-season to late


    €9.00 €7.20
    Mid yellow standards, white falls with a clear yellow border. Bushy tangerine beards.
    Flowering:Early to late
    • -20%


    Born to 2 of our champions: 'Grenade' and 'Aurélie' with tones we like very much. Bright pink standards and raspberry purple falls strewn with light pink. Beards of coral red. Created to be seductive, it has a rich and joyful feel about it.


      Son of ‘Clownerie’ with light caramel standards and large round falls, creamy yellow, edged and dotted with Burgundy red. Bronze beards. Good branching, like his seedling brother ‘Reflets du Sol’, 8 to 9 buds per stem. (Cayeux 10 98 B seedling).


        Amply ruffled white standards, blue-violet falls slightly paler under the orange beards. It has inherited the perfect form of his mother : GYPSY LORD. 8 buds on average. This is an honour for us to named this new Cayeux’s iris after the prestigious castle of Ussé on the river Loire.
        Flowering:Mid-season to late

          CHER & CHER ALIKE

          Medium lilac-purple standards with a plum-brown rim. Velvety and almost black falls with large and deep orange beards . Ruffled flowers . Honorable mention in 2015 and Award of Merit in 2019.
          Flowering:Early to late

            CHINOOK WINDS

            Light blue standards, darker at their base. Blue-white falls. Gold beards ending blue-violet. Lightly laced flowers and purple-based foliage . Pretty son of HONKY TONK BLUES.

              DÉFERLANTE BLEUE

              We named this new blue DÉFERLANTE BLEUE because each stem carries regularly 12 to 14 flowers. Standards are mid to azure blue and falls clear blue. Gold beards ending pale blue. Classic form but exceptional flowering power.
              Flowering:Early to mid-season

                EDGE OF HEAVEN

                White standards with a light gold border, white falls with a wide purple rim turning to deep red wine on edges. Yellow-Orange beards. Very good stalks, 8 to 9 buds.

                  ESPRIT LÉGER

                  Though it has a moderate count of buds : 6 on average, we do like this son of INFUSION TILLEUL. Pure white standards  and pale lavender falls with a lime border, 4 mm wide. Orange beards. Excellent form, ruffled and well-branched stalks.
                  Flowering:Mid-season to late

                    EXPRESS YOURSELF

                    Golden copper standards infused and washed with smoky purple, white falls infused clear purple-lavender especially in centre , copper-yellow border. Orange beards ending blue. Coming from DAKOTA SMOKE, unusual combination, strong growth.

                      FINE ECRITURE

                      €7.00 €5.60
                      Deep blue Plicata with a very white background. Falls are finely edged in white and enhanced by white beards tipped with bluish lavender (Cayeux Seedling 11 01 A)
                      • -20%


                      Pale pink standards discretely edged with pale lavender, mid-violet falls with a central creamy-white line. Tangerine beards surrounded with white. "Garnement" is the brother of "Irisades" which was introduced in 2008 and has a similar very modern shape with firm, almost horizontal falls. Sturdy stems carrying an average of 8 buds.

                        GOOD LIFE

                        Standards are a pinkish white, peppered and striated in bright purple. Almost horizontal falls, pure white with a thin purplish red border in the Plicata style. White beards with tangerine tips. Both bright and refreshing!
                        Flowering:Mid-season to late

                          HELLO DARLING

                          Creamy white standards, chalky white fall centres lined grape and shading to light butterscotch and narrowly banded white. Tangerine beards, ends tipped white. Strong show stalks with up to 9 buds and nice ruffled form . (Johnson 2014)
                          Flowering:Early to mid-season