New bicolour that combines many qualities: charm, perfect shape, long flowering, 9 to 12 buds, great vigour. Pinkish apricot standards, soft rosy lavender falls much paler around the tangerine beard. Quite rightly it won first prize at the Florence iris competition in 1996.
Like a cloud in a clear blue sky. White standards and light blue falls with discreet white beards. Imposing flowers (12 cm x 18 cm) well-proportioned to the strong foliage and the sturdy stems. An average of 8 to 9 buds.
Deep and bright rosy mulberry. This nice tint is slightly clearer near the thick and intense red beards, which light up the whole flower. Harmoniously and softly ruffled.
Waved flowers delicately laced on the edges. Mauve tinted when it opens, it becomes immaculate white a few hours later. Nice tangerine beards and 8 to 10 buds.
What's new in "Cape Perpetua"? Not its colour: light and plain blue with white beards, but its shape: both standards and falls show lacy, frilly edges and this is unique in its category. A really charming blue iris!